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Edition: 014
3rd July, 2011
Chat With Other African Grey Owners

Chat With Other African Grey Owners

Here at the AGPC ™ we pride ourselves on the strong community that we've built over the years, there's now over 1,500 active members and we quite regularly have over 40 members on the forum chatting at a time, if you've not been on for a while it would be well worth your while in coming back to see how we've grown into a great place to be if you own or just love African Grey Parrots ... Come and chat now >>>

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African Grey Parrot Centre ™ Newsletter 014 Edition

Hey All,

I'm sorry to say that the newsletter is a week later than expected and I'm afraid a little bit shorter than usual, the main juicy bits that people love to read are still in it.

Why I hear you ask? Some of you may know we had some really bad news last weekend, my big brother was taken very ill over the weekend and was in intensive care, so we had to dash up to Birmingham to see him in the event he didn't pull through, I'm really pleased to say he did pull through and remarkably is out of hospital and recovering at home, given the circumstances that is an amazing feat, he's got a long way to go but should make a full recovery eventually.

Anyway enough about us, we've been out and about collecting numerous other rescues which will appear on the site if they haven't already and looks like there's rather a large meeting with a load of APGC members at the Stafford Show tomorrow, best of luck to you all can't wait to see the pictures, we won't make it there for obvious reasons, there's always next year :o)

I guess I should shut up and let you get on with reading the newsletter.

Till next time,

Paula & Rick
African Grey Parrot Centre ™

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Lady - It’s Been A Tough Few Weeks!

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Lady - It’s Been A Tough Few Weeks!

A few weeks back, I took Lady and my other 2 birds for their annual health check. They were booked in for a full blood work. With Lady and my Amazon both being rehomes, I knew their results were not going to give them a clean bill of health due to their previous poor diets, and exposure to all things nasty. Having their bloods taken was traumatic enough, but the results of the tests were worrying!! All 3 birds showed a problem with their liver! To which the Pathologist ... more >>>

Parrot Rescue Fund


Hi everybody,

Well here we go again! The July raffle is well under way with lots of tickets being sold already. The Pikers have very generously donated a Bionair Air Purifier as first prize, it's too late to enter now so make sure you watch for the next raffle so not to miss out. Good luck to you all that have bought your tickets already. Next month is a fabulous first prize as well......I'm going to keep you guessing on that one though.

We are creeping ever closer to opening and counting up our 5p's that have been saved for the High Five Fund, on 21st August we will have a big count up. So, you have just over a month left if you want to join in with that.

Don't forget the usual things are still for sale, keyrings, avatars, fridge magnets etc. Also, there is a flyer available for downloading and printing if you want to put it in the back window of your car or just dot them around the town where you live.

Easyfundraising has had a boost with lots of new members joining in, thank you all very much we have now raised a total of £61.74 for this quarter (at the time of writing) and an overall total of £90.90, which is absolutely brilliant and it didn't cost anybody anything extra. Don't forget you can also raise money just by searching online with the Easysearch...

Thanks to you all for all your efforts for the fund xx


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Bob's Weekly Round-Up

Well it's newsletter time again, so what's been happening on the AGPC forum during the last three weeks. Firstly it was nice to see Scarlett joining the forum, although this didn't help the shopping addiction of some members, luckily Condor is on the case. Great to see Pat acting her age and back in the pink.

Relations between Britain and Italy were on a knife edge this week as against all advice Pat started singing, this
We have our very own Del boy on the forum in Stevie (aka Floppy Bear) he is doing a very nice line in air purifiers at the moment (no money back, no guarantee) Congratulations to Toria on getting a new car (well I suppose you can call it a car)

Rick had us all in histerics last week with his facebook posts, and it was his birthday, Rachel was kind enough to sup a bottle of JD on his behalf, as the cupboard was bare in the Duncan houshold.

It's the big meeting in Stafford this week, have a great time all who are going, we are taking bets on the first one to be thrown out, my money is on Geoff. Dave will be easy to spot, he'll be the one with a six foot AGPC placard on his back, unfortunately I can't go as rumour has it a Scottish bailif is attending.

We have just had the June raffle, first prize was won by a very handsome young man, unfortunately Pat could'nt put up the video as her singing shattered the camera lense.

Apart from that not much has changed, Liz is still working, Karen is still skiving, Mandi and Anne-Marie are as dizzy as ever, Pip is posting the odd photo, and god help us all she now has a new camera.

That's all for now folks, Bob

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Isabella Helps With Some Decorating

My owner has been doing some home improvements this week so there has been a lot of interesting things lying around for me to play with. I must say from a parrots point of view she didn’t make the best choice. There was some nice ... more >>>

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Isabella Helps With Some Decorating


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