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parrot training | African Grey Parrot Centre ™ Articles

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parrot training | African Grey Parrot Centre ™ Articles

Teaching Your Parrot To Talk

June 18th, 2010


Talking Parrot

After reading so many request for information regarding talking, on the various mail lists I decided to write my own article on the subject. My experience deals with the two Congo African Greys in our flock and what I have learned and read on the different mail lists in the last 3 years. Both our Grey are prolific talkers and we lost count of how many words, phrases and sounds that they know a long time ago. Most of the questions related to talking are asked by the new parrot owner so this article is mainly directed towards them.

We all love parrots for many reasons but the ability to produce human speech and to mimic a variety of sounds is a big reason why parrots have fascinated mankind for so long. Amongst the many reasons for choosing a particular species of parrot as a companion, intelligence and talking ability are often placed very high on the priority list. Every parrot owner I have ever met is thrilled when the first word is spoken.


New parrot owners often ask, “What methods should I use to teach my parrot how to talk?”

Interaction is the key! Parrots are flock orientated and learn to interact with other members of the flock by making the same sounds and gestures as the other flock members. Use the same methods you would with a small child. When you walk into the room say “Hello Bird”, when feeding “Do you want some birdie dinner?” when covering the cage at night “Night Night Bird”. Huey, our 3 year old CAG said his first word “Tickle Tickle” at 14 months old. “Tickle”, is a game we played when he was in his cage and I would tickle his feet or tummy through the bars (interaction). Even your gestures will be imitated in time. When our CAGS sing they often bounce up and down imitating the movement made when singing or dancing. Huey will say “Up down, left right, one two” from watching us exercising. He stands tall when saying “up”, crouches for “down” and moves his head side to side for “left right”.

In my opinion, tapes or recordings commonly advertised as methods to teach parrots to talk are of little or no value. Parrots learn through interaction and a desire to participate like other flock members. Voice tapes do not offer the stimulation needed. Music is a different story and by its very nature can be stimulating. Both or CAGs like to sing and dance to music, “Pop Goes The Weasel” is the present favorite.

When will my parrot start talking? He is 10 months old and does not talk yet, what should I do?

There is no set rule to determine when your parrot will say his first words and it varies a great deal. In general, African Greys often begin to talk some time after 12 months of age. As I mentioned earlier, Huey did not start until 14 months old, he has not sopped since.

In summation, teach your parrot like a young child, repeating words slowly and enunciating clearly and above all interact.

Roy Berger

About the Author

This article was written by Roy Berger

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