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2011 June

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2011 June

Bailey suffered her first party.

June 12th, 2011

Here in our household we often have family get togethers. Well yesterday she experienced her first one. I had quite a crowd coming this time which included loads of children as it was my 50th birthday party and so I stuck a huge notice above her cage listing ‘ Do not touch she will bite, do not feed and do not open the cage door at all!’. I tried to put a padlock on her door, but couldnt fit one to fit so I fixed a key ring through the door catch.

Well Bailey relished all of the attention and was squawking and singing at the top of her voice. So much so, that we had to move her into the front room!! She’s never been in there before and so was not the slightest bit happy at this move and demonstrated this by going completely silient. She’s more than making up for it today though and seems to have recovered really well from all the excitment.
I cant belive how well Bailey has settled in with us after only having her for a few weeks. I’ve finally deciphered what she was saying before when she was saying ‘Good bowda cheese’ I am now convinced that its ‘Oooh, bag of chips!’ Well, that my explanation and I’m sticking to it! Ha Ha!!

We havent made much progress with the harness training. She still seems to be quite frightenend of it. I’ve been leaving it by her cage to she can see it, but if I hold it in my other hand to stroke her, she moves away from me. I wont give up though.

She will happily come to me and sit on my shoulder and if I walk round the corner, she will fly round to find me, but she isnt all that keen on being stroked when she’s out of her cage. All she wants to do is eat my college homework!! Ha Ha! I dont mind though, I’m happy as long as she is happy coming to me for attention. She must trust me to come to me, so for now, that will do. Everything needs to be done at her own pace.

Just one more thing- ‘I love my bird so much!! What did I do before she came?’

Here is Bailey trying to drink my cuppa.

Bailey, trying to drink my tea.

Getting To Know Angus!

June 11th, 2011
Getting To Know Angus!

Well Angus has been with us for a month now, and has settled so well you would think he had been here forever.
His vocabulary is getting bigger and bigger and both birds are now saying each others words, which means they must be talking to each other a fair bit when we are out – because when we are in – they scream a lot !!!

Well I have discovered that Angus loves to be outside in the sun and even lifted his wings for a spray in the garden at the weekend. He also loves to forage. I have to be very good at keeping his cage bottom clean as he spends most of his time there, lifting the newspaper up to find what’s underneath, he also loves to rip up newspaper to find a treat and I’m so glad that he likes the play stand because Gary won’t go near it.

The strangest thing I have found out about Angus though is where he likes to sit. When I’m on the settee in the evening he goes mad to sit behind my neck underneath my hair so he can give my head a massage with his beak.

Here are a few photos of Angus outside,exploring the parrot corner and ripping up paper.

Sammi And Harness Fun

June 11th, 2011
Sammi And Harness Fun

Here is a little update on the lovely Sammi.

He has had quite a day today as earlier I managed to get him in the Pak-o-bird to take him outside!

he loved being outside and was so well behaved! This evening he has had a manicure from Dil and got in touch with his feminine side by wearing a pink harness to go outside. This is only the second time he has had a harness on. Here is Dil putting it on him.


and venturing outside…


and here he is having a little cuddle time with me!!!


Lady – Almost A Year!!!!

June 10th, 2011
Lady - Almost A Year!!!!

Lady has been with us 1 whole year next month!!

I can’t believe it’s gone so quick, and the progress she has made during the past year has been amazing!!

When she first arrived, she was a very nervous bird, who wanted constant attention. She wouldn’t play with any toys, and all she wanted to do was sit on our shoulders all day, and of course she plucked. Although she is still a nervous bird, she now loves to play with her toys, and doesn’t take long accepting new ones. She still wants to be on our shoulders all day long, but she will happily entertain herself with her toys whilst we are out and has become very independant.

Lady has a strong charactor, and can certainly rule the roost at times, she picks a fight with the dog, the cats, and chases the kids out of the livingroom!! So, there are times when she has to be rained in, but overall she’s an amazing bird.

During the week, I made the decision to change Lady’s cage. Her cage was quite old, the only thing that was decent about it, was that it had a play top. It was extremely difficult to clean, and was very small. The spare cage I had was a little bigger and it had an open top.
So, with my mind made up, I proceeded to strip Lady’s old cage down, and swap everything to her new cage. I had braced myself that the change over would be traumatic (as she’s probably had her cage for most, if not all of her life) and that she would pluck herself naked.
The change over was a little traumatic for her, however, she only plucked her ususal few feathers but she didn’t eat for over a day!! She’s absolutely fine now, and is eating again, she’s still a little nervous climbing around her new cage, but overall she’s accepted the change well. I think it helped that I placed her toys in a similar positions to her old cage. This change will only be temporary, as I want her to have a bigger cage, hopefully before the end of the year.

Lady is booked in to the vets next week, along with my other birds, for a full blood work, so this will upset her!!! I am hoping they will get the all clear, and be 3 happy, healthy birdies :)

Lady has become a big part of our family, and I couldn’t imagine life without her, and I’m looking forward to spending many more happy, fun filled years with her :)

Here is a pic of Lady on her new cage :)

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