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Parrot Rescue Diaries

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Parrot Rescue Diaries

Devastating News

April 4th, 2013
Devastating News

It is with a very broken heart that I’m writing Rocky’s last blog, as my beautiful boy sadly passed away on the 10/03/2013.

Rocky had suffered a heart attack during the course of Saturday night, he was rushed to the vets when found in a state first thing Sunday morning, but sadly he passed away at home a few hours later.

I’m absolutely devastated as I loved him to pieces, and I’m am missing him dearly.

I promised Rocky a forever home FOREVER, so he is being cremated, his ashes will be placed in a casket and he will return home next week.

I’m gutted that he was only here for 12 months, but I am very privileged and humbled that I had him.
I can honestly say that he made massive progress during the year he was here, and that he seemed so happy, and loved my other Amazon to bits, I’m so sad that she has lost her partner.
He was so beautiful, I will never forget him, he will always live on in my heart.

R.I.P My Beautiful Boy, Fly Free

Neo March 2013 Update

April 4th, 2013
Neo March 2013 Update

Hi all

just a quick one to say neo is doing well,he has a red bum now lol a first for him but still loves pulling his feathers out,barks like the local dog early in the morning,and love organic orange juice a replacement for his grapes .when he stayed with Paula she said he was a very messy bird and he is still the same..

I am getting a new PC soon so will hopefully be able to post some photos



Rocky, Ruby, & Lady

February 22nd, 2013
Rocky, Ruby, & Lady

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve updated you all, but my laptop broke so had no way of updating. Thanks to my lovely hubby I now have a new one as of yesterday :)

Rocky -

Rocky is doing brilliantly, he now spends most of his time on the Java Trees, and can now move around each tree confidently.
He is so stunningly beautiful, but has no blue on his head whatsoever. I now call him a green front, as he only has green and yellow feathers on his head lol :P
He likes chewing through cardboard toys, especially the birdie bangles. He demolishes them in minutes :)
He still hates me and the hubby, but will allow me to tickle him, and will step up to me when he wants something :P
Overall he’s a great beautiful boy :)

Ruby -

Ruby is doing great as usual.
She has been coming out with lots of new sounds and whistles lately. I have no idea where she gets them from.
She still loves her music, and is really enjoying all the Christmas songs that are being played on the radio.
She is still a night owl, and tends to be the last one to go to sleep.
She is always the life and sole of the parrot room :)

Lady –
Lady is still the same, munching and shredding her way through her toys.
She is still a jealous little madam, but is so cheeky with it, you can’t help but laugh at her.
The house would be very empty without her, she’s such a big character.

Overall all the birdies are doing great, they certainly keep me on my toes, and I wouldn’t have it any other way :)

Billy The Timneh Update

February 21st, 2013
Billy The Timneh Update

Its coming up 2 years in June since Billy joined our family. He gives me a lot of pleasure with his chatting and he learns new words slowly. I’ve been calling him my best boy,now he says bill best lol…

Billy and Bella come out together now and do their own thing. As you can see by the photo billy has completely taken over the sofa!

He plays with toys but is obsessed with my feet, which is a bit of a problem as he spends a lot of the time on the floor.

He flew for the first time last week on his own without being spooked which is amazing he is becoming more tamer by the day although I’m still taking my time, he has stopped lunging to bite and is happy for a head rub out of the cage.

Im hoping he doesn’t use his new flying skills to fly at me to be nasty, I don’t think he will but lets hope not.

He is a very happy bird and interacts well with Bella. Bella has copied him a lot, she even flaps her wings ‘good morning’

Keep up the good work Paula and Rick you are doing a great job. I am very happy with Billy and I think Bills pictures show he is a happy birdy enjoying his new life with us.

Busby Warms His Feathers!!

February 20th, 2013
Busby Warms His Feathers!!

Well as it was such a lovely day yesterday Busby wanted to take himself outside into the garden to get some sunshine on his feathers, considering it was frosty in the morning I was very shocked to see how warm it was, so the kids all went outside to play in the garden as it was half term and I went to do a bit of gardening and after Busby had finished his warm cereal I took Busby out to catch some sunshine, he loves nothing more than to have the sun on his feathers.

He loves to either sit on his Java tree and watch the kids, or on the back of one of our patio chairs and it was the Java tree today.

Hoping it carry’s on and look forward to the coming summer for lots of fun in the sun! x

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