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2012 November

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2012 November

Have you missed me?

November 10th, 2012

Well, what can I say? I have once again been re-miss in my duties posting updates on Bailey.

Well, she and I are both well and enjoying being in each others company.
She is never quiet, she never shuts up and I’m sure she’s got an invisible friend because she speaks to them all the time!!

She has imaginary telephone conversations starting off with the phone ring, then she says ‘Hello’ and then has a whole conversation of mumbo jumbo throwing in the odd ‘you ok? and all right then’ . Finally she wishes the caller good bye with a cheery ‘Good bye, love you byeeee.”

She is an absolute joy!!

I tried adding some photos, but for some reason the site wont let me.

Lady, Ruby, & Rocky

November 9th, 2012

Lady -
Lady is doing great, she’s enjoying chewing her way through her never ending supply of shredding toys :) I know our supplier has some of Lady’s favourite style of palm and paper toys in stock, so Lady will be a very happy bunny when I place the next order :)
She still doesn’t like the ceiling toys, but she will still carry on with her day regardless, and flies around them when she needs to.

Ruby –
Ruby is going through another moult now that the heating is on, so she’s a little grouchy, but she is coping very well, bless her.
I’ve given her a little pot with a different variety of chewable toys to encourage her to forage. I have placed the pot on the bottom of her cage, and she has chewed her way through most of them already :)

Rocky -
Rocky is still as noisy as ever along side my other Amazon :) He has now mastered manoeuvring around one of the Java stands, and he is now out most of the time which is fantastic. The only time he goes in the big cage is to give his feet different textures from the smooth branches of the Java stand. He ventures onto the sisal spiral rope by his tree, he doesn’t go too high, but seems to enjoy chewing the rope more than climbing on it!!

There are big changes ahead next year as we are looking to move property, and we will be looking for somewhere that suits all our needs. I have my fingers crossed that we’ll be able to find a new home with a bigger room for the birdies to play :)

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