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2012 October

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2012 October

Coco A Year On

October 31st, 2012
Coco A Year On


Well its been a while since my last update and also its near on a year since we collected Coco for re-home.
Nothing much has changed, she still only has eyes for Karl but im still able to use the buddy perch to take her anywhere and my fingers stay intact

She has also learned that i wont go in her cage to feed her dry foods till she climbs off the perch attached to the inside of her door, so happily moves and then waits till her bowl is filled, they never fail to amaze me on how clever they are and how soon they pick things up

She is still the super chewer she has always been and likes nothing more than a block of untreated pine in the bottom of her cage and will happily shred it to death in a matter of hours
we have invested in a aviary this summer and she has loved going outside with the others, and despite being a little over protective of her cage she shows no sign of this in the aviary and they all find their own space and get along fine

All in all she is doin well, like she has always been here :)

Georgie Update

October 30th, 2012
Georgie Update

Hi all, just an update on our rescue georgie

Georgie is still very happy and contented, still only says a couple of phrases despite the nutter Grey Lulu next door in a cage talking for England!!!

Really good eater and will try anything new not fussyat all, wouldnt be without her .

Busby Lets Himself Out!

October 29th, 2012
Busby Lets Himself Out!

Well after being allowed a lay in as little one slept in I got up feeling good I came downstairs and headed for the kitchen to make a cuppa and was welcomed with a ‘Hello’ coming from the floor!

Now Busby is his own little mind and chooses when he is out only time he is locked in his cage is when it’s bed time so I know he is safe and not being naughty!  How wrong was I!

He manages to get out of the bottom of the cage he slides the grill and tray open bit by bit until it’s big enough for him to slip out of!

Well he had a right fun time and totally enjoyed himself by the looks of it,  he had taken a dislike to our wicker washing basket and thought he would rearrange it!




As you can see he is really pleased with himself,  he then shouted “where’s my dinner” and started chasing my feet around!

Got to love them eh!

Penny Doing Good!

October 10th, 2012
Penny Doing Good!

Looking at Penny this morning her feathers are really good, down her chest, back, head and legs she is looking good!

Now if we could just get her to stop nipping her feathers from her bum and her wings we’ll have cracked it!

I’m not sure that is even manageable to be honest and it really doesn’t matter to me at all, if she wants to nip her feathers then that’s what she will do. We’ve noticed that she has started to play a little bit with her toys, foraging for food etc from an empty egg carton inside a cornflake box, that’s great because hopefully it will distract her a little bit from nipping. Every night around 7.00p.m. she has a good old pull at her wing feathers and screams a bit, that is the time that we cover them up for the night, we’ve tried covering later/earlier it makes no difference, 7.00p.m. her little alarm goes off and she has a quick pull of her wing feathers.

Since moving her to the window, we no longer have feathers that are pulled out so much that they bleed, so that’s good. She continues to dislike me and to love Darryl, so I can respect that.

The Lovely Luckie X

October 5th, 2012
The Lovely Luckie X

Hello all just a update on the progress of luckie.there,s not much to add really as she is so settled and loves all the family.

I have this morning just moved all perches and toys and cleaned them and set up her home diffrent to what it was for a change for her.As i speak she is whipping round the cage having great fun jumping from the perches to her toys.I bought her a large rope which is the shape of a large spring.

Luckie takes great pleasure in sitting on the bottom of it as my daughter gently bounces her,she loves it.She loves a bit of pasta with chili flakes in the evening and also shares my fruit with me in the morning.All & all everything couldnt be better for her.

She is great company and comfort to me in the day,even though she loves to sing and talk when i am trying to watch a film.She also likes to watch eastenders so she can do the programs song when it starts and finishes,its really funny.Take care all.

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